Samstag, 3. Dezember 2011


I had the chance to made an interview with Fofao from BESTHÖVEN ...

A lot of my friends and also some local-bands send me some questions for the interview ...

so I used some of these questions for these interview ...

Let´s start ...

WÖRNI : What were the reasons to ground BESTHÖVEN? Why it is only a "One man project"? 
FOFAO : So,the reasons to beguin BESTHÖVEN was simple….it was 1990 and me with more 3 punks friends want to do a new band to play noise not music….influenced by a lot of bands we enjoy,etc….so we formed the band…with the time this work keep more and more strong and is still alive now with 21 years of existence like a band! By the way I´d like to say that I consider BESTHÖVEN like a true BAND and NOT like just a “project” ok??.....since projects are only “short life” or temporary work,etc…..and I am working with BESTHÖVEN for 21 years old now!! And I made a lot of things alone,more than many “commom bands” with 3 or 4 members,you know?....The reason I decided to be and keep in this way of “one man band” is = I was tired to be changing and changing the line up,a lot of times…..this is really boring….So I decided to keep alone and work alone,since I play a lot of instruments and I can record alone also….so,in this way I am working a lot without stop….

WÖRNI : What kind of other bands did influence and inspire you most? 
FOFAO : A lot of bands of course…I am inspired by old Swedish bands like AVSKUM,DISARM,CRUDE SS,FEAR OF WAR,CRUDITY,DISCARD,SHITLICKERS,BEDROVLERS,ANTI-CIMEX,etc…..and bands from others countries also like WRETCHED,CRUCIFIX,DISCLOSE,BATTLE OF DISARM,ICONOCLAST….And the list can goes forever… bands also can influences on me also…..
WÖRNI : Where does the name BESTHÖVEN come from? 
FOFAO : This was an idea from one of the first BESTHÖVEN members : Repolho who played bass and so drums for the band in the beguin…..the name is a mix of 2 words : BEETHOVEN the musician and BESTA:that in Portuguese language means EVIL,DEVIL,etc….this name comes from the idea to criticize the “great musicians” and means noise not music in same time….we want to express that you can do a band and play without be a “professional” musician or things like this………..nothing against “classic music” or Beethoven you know??...this is just a sarcasm to say that if Beethoven is “classic music” so,Besthöven is “chaotic music” 

WÖRNI : You have published so many records ... which are your own favourits? 
FOFAO : This is hard to say,and I never been thinking about this,wich is the best or which is my favorite….since I enjoy all them,believe me,and each one have your own particular history behind….since the way I compose the songs,made the lyrics,and all facts behind,the day I am in studio recording the songs or in my home working in the art sleeve,etc……….this is a work that I really love,so I can´t stay thinking wich is the “best one” for myself,etc….hope you understand it….
WÖRNI : What´s your favourite Crust-LP? 
FOFAO : Well there´s a lot of cool LPs dude….this is hard to say…..but about Crust and D-beat I can say some that I really fucking love : THE VIKINGS ARE COMING-COMP. LP with awesome bands like;CRUDE S.S.,BEDROVLERZ,UGLY SQUAW,RESCUES IN FUTURE,etc….or AFFLICTED CRIES… COMP. LP also that have ANTI-CIMEX,CRUDE SS,ROVSVETT & FEAR OF WAR This one was released in brazil in 1986 and was the first time I heard Swedish bands In a strong way,I mean,the first time I sit and read their lyrics hearing the music and feeling all their intention with a zine also with lots of interviews with the bands in these 2 records I mentioned now,so these 2 compilations are really special to me……and lots of others like DISASTER-WARCY LP,DISCHANGE-SEEING FEELING BLEEDING LP,DISCLOSE-TRAGEDY LP,CRUDE S.S.-BOOTLEG LP,etc…..
WÖRNI : In Brazil is there a big scene of Crust and DIY? 
FOFAO : Not a Crust scene,not a big one,just few peoples here and there,I think only in São Paulo we have a lot of peoples into Crust!! Bands,zines,etc…..a cool and big scene!! Crust bands and Metal punx bands also,I can say some bands like UNFIT SCUM.NUCLEAR FRÖST,SOCIAL CHAOS,SKARNIO…..And some bands in others cities/states like FINAL TRÁGICO(MG),DEATH FROM ABOVE,LIVING IN HELL,ESCÖRIA,etc...
WÖRNI : Do you often visit concerts in Brazil?
FOFAO : Not so much….not so much nowadays….I mean; in the past I was travelling to others cities to play or see shows,or being in some big punk meeting….but nowadays not more… least not like the past,like every month travelling… I am more closed and quiet….but,If I see a strong reason to be there in a gig,of course I will be there….for example,if there´s some friend band playing so I go….. few weeks ago I was in Gyn City to see OLHO SECO and some local friends bands for example….And I am doing some gigs sometimes also….but not so much…..maybe we will play in São Paulo again soon….maybe Rio de Janeiro….and maybe Minas Gerais also…..

But I don´t know yet about when will be…..since I am doing a new temporary line up for gigs again…..and just started to practice with the new bass player….maybe I will be playing drums and vocals in some of the shows also….since is fucking hard to find a drummer here in my city,specially one that really enjoy and understand D-beat…..I don´t want a drummer that only play D-beat,I need a drummer that “lives” this,you know??.....

WÖRNI : Another one of my favourite bands is LUTA you know these guys? 
FOFAO : Yeah,the band is really good! I knew Marcia in middle of 1995 in a punk meeting in Rio de Janeiro city,when she was playing in others bands also like VALA NEGRA,IRA DOS CORVOS and PÓS-GUERRA!!

WÖRNI : As far as I know in Brazil you have a it only for online reading or can the fans get it also as a journal?
Well,not more…..see….I started my zine in same time than Besthöven,it was in 1990….I edited 32 numbers like a paper zine,but the first editions are not so good….i think….and I was thinking to do something more strong and bigger at the end,but is fucking hard….If I made it only in english will be hard to sale to overseas….and peoples in Brazil will not buy this,co´z is in english…..if I make it only in Portuguese language,so I can´t sale to overseas…..and by the way peoples in brazil will not buy it a lot also……so is hard co´z you need to spend a lot of time and money to do a new edition and is really hard to repose the money you spent on this……I am not talking about “profit” you know?.....but today is really hard to me being make a paper zine again……but I have to confess that always I have this intention in my mind yet…..i hope to release some paper edition yet….maybe a special number or something like that,but I don´t know when yet…..I am writing to some Brazilian zines also….some true paper zines….the last one is VISUAL AGRESSION Metal Punx Zine from São Paulo city,my last collaboration was a big report about DISCLOSE history and an interview with my Italian brothers KONTATTO! But this zine is only in Portuguese language,so you can check the English versions in my blog zine : and to me VISUAL AGRESSION is one of the best and favorite Brazilian zines!! Also you can check great zines like AVISO FINAL or NAUSEA both from Saõ Paulo city.

WÖRNI : What band you would like to see playing? 
FOFAO : Uou! This is a hard question also….first of all ANTI-CIMEX and DISCLOSE of course!! But just like a dream….no way more……….but there´s a lot of bands that I enjoy and of course I can be many happy to see them playing live and hope to share the sateg also someday of course!! like TOXIC HOLOCAUST,CHILDREN OF TECHNOLOGY,AVSKUM,C.F.D.L.,GO FILTH GO,FINAL BOMBS,GIFTGAS ATTACK,GERM ATTAK,ANGER BURNING,WARCOLLAPSE,TOTALITAR,SKITSYSTEM….And the list goes on………………

WÖRNI : Are you knowing German Crust- / Rawpunk bands? 
FOFAO : Not so many dude….sorry….I don´t know many Crust bands from Germany…only old ones like RECHARGE and AUDIO KOLLAPS for example,INSTINCT OF SURVIVAL,BOMBEMALARM,etc…..But i´d like to say that I am really into old Germany bands from 80´s like INFERNO,TORPEDO MOSKAU,BETON COMBO,VORKRIEGSJUGEND,VORKRIEGSPHASE,HOSTAGES OF AYATOLLAH,early UPRIGHT CITIZENS,etc….

WÖRNI : Last August and September you were on your Europe was this time for you? 
FOFAO : Uou ,what can I say ?? THIS WAS REALLY FUCKING AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!! Yeah….I am fucking happy to can be doing this finally….was a big tour with 40 shows…and my first time out from Brazil….it was an amazing experience,can be visiting a lot of different countries and cities,playing every night in a different place….seeing different bands in a lot of places also….and meeting every night a lot of awesome peoples everywhere…..It was one from the best things I made in my own life…..meeting the friends that are working with Besthöven for years and years,releasing my records or distributing the stuffs…..meeting friends from brothers bands also,bands that have some work released together with Besthöven like splits,comps,etc…..and I´d like to say thanx a fucking lot to my friend Koppa and Agipunk for all support to be doing this tour! Helping and believing in my work with Besthöven!! Without Koppa it will be impossible to do!!! And I am with KONATTO and NOIA guys all the time during the tour!! Italian friends are really awesome!! All them!!! And great bands also!!!! Fucking happy to see and play together with KONTATTO & NOIA during this tour!!! Also I was with a special line up for this with Marziona(KONATTO)on bass! Marco(NOIA)on guitar and Meti (DISEASE)on drums….fucking nice line up!! And really awesome peoples!!!!
WÖRNI : What event in Europe you liked most? 
FOFAO : To me everything and every moment was fucking great dude…believe me……….i can´t choose the best “event” or something like that…I am trying to live each think in the correct moment….and understand the differences between a city to other ,a country to other,etc……for example the “festivals” are really great co´z you can see a lot of cool bands playing from different places also…..but the small shows are great also,co´z you are more near or closer with the peoples in the gig…….I enjoyed each fucking moment in this tour…..impossible to choose just “one show” or just “one event”……

WÖRNI : How were the concerts in Germany? 
FOFAO : Fucking great!!! Germany is awesome!!! Cool food every night,cool places to play every night and a lot of awesome peoples also!!!!! The all shows we played in Germany was really nice!!!!!

WÖRNI : You told me you will return back to Germany...are there any details yet?
FOFAO : No dude….nothing yet…..i´d like to back and do another tour in Europe….but I don´t have idea yet about when will be this….but I really hope it can be soon….

WÖRNI : What are your future publishing plans?
FOFAO : So…there´s a lot of new plans in my mind….and I am closing some things with friends labels….so I want to be back in studio really fucking soon and start to record again….i am working hard in new songs……so,somethings I will be working in soon are: a new 7 inch maybe with 7 trax at BOMBS AWAY Records-Norway,also a possible split ep with my brothers DISPOSE from Sweden! And I want to do the “second part” of my “Hail to Sweden-EP” !!! covering more Swedish classic bands like BEDROVLERZ,AVSKUM,etc……………….I want to release a Besthöven European tour vynil also,maybe a LP or EP….I am waiting to receive some masters soon and I will choose the songs and look a label also… the way my “BESTHÖVEN HAIL TO DISCLOSE-EP” will be out soon!! Etc……………….

WÖRNI : Can you imagine to publish one of your next records on my own label?
FOFAO : Of course!! This is easy!! LET´S DO THIS NOW?????????????

WÖRNI : You made a lot of Split-EP´ you listen to the other bands on these Splits?
FOFAO : Of course dude!! Since all my splits are made with brothers bands!! We talk before made the splits….some bands I have contacts for years and trade records,etc….others I heard before or knew first by myspace or something like this…,yeas….i know all the bands I have splits with!! And I hear and enjoy the bands!!

WÖRNI : Do you like German beer?
FOFAO : =) yeah!! Hahaha…of course!! But not only the German beers!! All the beers are fucking awesome and different than Brazilian beers(Brazilian beers are good also!! By the way!!!)….but I don´t have idea about how many different beers we did drink in this tour!!! And it was amazing….since every night we was drinking some different beer…….by the way I am not an “expert” in beers,so……fuck off!! Hahahahaha and let´s drink!!!!

WÖRNI : In Germany we have many problems with rightwing power and Nazis ... Is this "way of life" also an problem in Brazil ? 
FOFAO : Yeah,this is sad but is true….in some places of Brazil theres a lot of Nazis and bullshit like this….when we was playing in Belgium for example and I meet some Brazilian friends like Marcelo from NAILBITER he said me the notice that in Brazil some nazi skinheads killed a punk in a show… São Paulo city….so,in some places of Brazil we have this kind of problem…..and nowadays thers´s a lot of nazi skins in brazil like a “fashion”… in some cities this can be really dangerous……by the way peoples have to satnd up and fight against this,here or there!! If peoples don´t react and don´t fight will be only grow up…….fuck off and die to these nazi suckers!!!

WÖRNI : This time I am working together with a friend on an new live tape sampler about Paranoya Festival 2011 where you played, did you liked the festival? 
FOFAO : This festival was really fucking awesome!! A lot of cool bands also!!! CANCER SPREADING show was fucking awesome and strong!! One from the best I see…thers´s some cool bands also,but I don´t remember the band names….(and this is a shame,I am sorry….but,many alcohol in my mind to remember all….haha)…..This is great to know about the sampler tape,so please,don´t forget to save me a copy ok??

WÖRNI : Well, taking questions is you want to use this chance to tell something to your fans?
FOFAO : Well,i´d like to say thanx a fucking lot to everybody that was helping us to do this tour!! All gigs promoters,all the awesome places we did played,all the bands we did played with,all the awesome food we did eat and everybody coming to the shows everynight!! Specially peoples that was driving or travelling 3 to 4 hours to see one show!! We meet a lot of peoples also from places that we not played like Russia,Uruguay,Portugal,Venezuela,etc….during the shows and it was awesome also!! Thanx also for the Brazilian peoples I meet over the Europe!! And everybody involved in this tour!!! I LOVE YOU ALL!!

WÖRNI : Ok, thank you very much Fofao for making this interview and for the great pictures ! Bye till your next visit in Germany!
FOFAO : Thanx a lot my friend Wörni !! Hope to meet you face to face also in next tour!! Hope it not delay also!! Haha…..I´d like to say also that the newest Besthöven LP “DIS MEANS WAR” is still available at Agipunk label !! so,get your copy now!! At
Fofão Discrust.


Samstag, 19. November 2011

Cluster Bomb Unit Konzi 18.11.2011

Yeah ... wie hab ich mich gefreut als ich über diesen Flyer gestolpert bin ...

Endlich mal die Chance CLUSTER BOMB UNIT live zu sehen ... und dazu noch mit so geilen anderen Bands...

Also lange Rede, kurzer Sinn ... Auf Arbeit nen Tag Urlaub angemeldet und dann gings am Freitag Mittag gegen 14Uhr mit dem Auto los auf die Autobahn ...

... 488km lagen vor mir ...

Nach gut 5 Stunden war ich dann endlich im Großraum Stuttgart angekommen ... Fahrt war prima ... nur die letzten 22km zogen sich auf Grund eines Unfalls ewig hin ...

Also knappe 6 Stunden nach meiner Abfahrt war ich dann endlich in Weil der Stadt angekommen ... schnell nen Parkplatz gesucht und ab zur Location ...

... und mit nem Kumpel getroffen ... 7 Euro für das Spektakel waren völlig akzeptabel ... 20 Uhr gings los ...

... CIVIL VICTIM aus Konstanz fingen an "Hardcore-Krach" zu machen .... schön laut und agressiv war die Musik ... kann man sich durch aus mal wieder anschauen ...

... MASSGRAV waren dann die nächste Band ... eine Mischung aus Fastcore,Crust und Powerviolence flog uns gute 40 Minuten um die Ohren ... GEIL !!! ... obwohl sich nach ner Weile die Songs alle gleich anhörten =)=)

... so dann kamen endlich meine Helden von CLUSTER BOMB UNIT ... nach über 7 Jahren sollte ich sie endlich mal live sehen ...
  Und das war so endgeil ... ich liebe diese Band einfach ... der Sound ist so brutal-genial RAWPUNK ...
Natürlich kannte ich alle Songs und konnte fleißig mitgröhlen ... auch mein Lieblingssong "Verbaute Zukunft" wurde gespielt ... schon deswegen hat sich die Reise durch aus gelohnt ...
 Leider, leider waren dann auch die 40 Minuten Spielzeit um ... SCHADE =(=(    Danach gings dann direkt zum Oliver ( Drums CBU ) um wie versprochen nen Bierchen zuzischen und bissle zu quatschen ... war schon nen nettes Pläuschen ....

... danach sollten dann AGRIMONIA spielen ... ( da hab ich Daumen gedrückt ohne Ende ... 7 Konzerte hatten sie schon abgesagt wo ich hin wollte ... ) ... als dann aber der Merchstand da war und die Sängerin zu sehen war, freute mich das riesig ...

Es war total brachail-gewaltig-episch-düster was AGRIMONIA ablieferten ...

Durch die sehr langen Songs haben AGRIMONIA gerade einmal 6 Songs in 40 Minuten gespielt !!!! ... das muss man auch erstmal schaffen ... aber sehr sehr geil ....

So danach wurde es auch ziemlich schnell leer in der Location und auch ich begab mich auf den Weg zum Pennplatz bei nem Kumpel ...  Samstag morgen ging es dann wieder zurück in die Heimat ...

Cheers euer WÖRNI

Samstag, 5. November 2011

Wilde Zeiten Konzi 04.11.2011

Am Freitag ( 04.11.2011 ) hieß es mal wieder auf nach Dresden ab in die CHEMIEFABRIK zum Konzi ...

Aber halt !!! Vorher erst noch einen Zwischenstop in Hödo eingelegt und die Mädels abgeholt und dann auf nach Dresden-Neustadt in die Petrikirchstraße 5 =)

Die ganze Meute war da ... all die alten Gesichter und auch viele neue Gesichter ...

Natürlich sah man gleich wieder die ersten Schnapsleichen ... naja gehören halt auch zu so einem Abend ...

Also gings ab nach drinnen an die Bar und erstmal nen Bierchen auf ...

Dann gings wieder raus ... bissle frische Luft noch schnappen und dann rein zu den Bands ... THANHEISER spielten nun auf ... naja typische Deutschpunkband halt ala NIX GUT ... überhaupt nicht mein Geschmack ...

Der nächster Gang ging zum Kickertisch ... einige Runden wurde schön gezockt und Bierchen dazu ...

Dann kamen wir schon im letzten Jahr die KELLERRATTEN ... naja einfach ausgedrückt ... Deutschpunk ...

Danach wieder zum Kickertisch bevor es dann vor in die erste Reihe ging ... WILDE ZEITEN machten gerade nen sehr lustigen und kurzen Soundcheck und dann ging die Sause los ...

Ohman war das wieder ein geiles Spektakel ... Viele neue Songs vom neuem Album "Atomparty" wurden gespielt und überzeugten das Publikum ... zwischendurch gabs alte Knaller wie "Fünf Sterne Punks" ... die Menge tobte und selbst bei dem eher ruhigerem Song "Liebesbrief" flogen sie Stiefel hoch und die Fäuste tief ... grandioser Pogo ...

Und natürlich gab es auch Songs vom legendären UNTERGANGSKOMMANDO  wie "Jakob" und natürlich "Punk und Polizei" =)=) ... die Menge tobte und war top fit ... die Band sah allerdings schon sehr nassgeschwitzt und fertig aus ...

Zum Abschluss gab es wie immer den Song "Weg ans Meer" ... einfach ein geiles Konzerterlebnis ...

Live schau ich mir sie immer wieder gerne an ...

Danach wurde weiter Kicker gespielt und Bierchen getrunken und irgendwann am frühen Morgen gings dann wieder ab Richtung Heimat ...

Zum Schluss bleibt noch zu sagen : " PARTY EIN GANZES LEBEN LANG !!!"

Cheers euer Wörni

Montag, 12. September 2011

INTERVIEW mit KAREN STEVER vom 30.08.2011

Wie schon angekündigt kommt hier das Interview mit KAREN STEVER.  Für mich eine großartige Musikerin ...

Wörni : A new album ? How it is calles and when will release ?
Karen : Nice hearing from you! I hope you are doing GREAT! The new record will be called IDIOT SAVANT and I don’t have a release date. The great thing about not being on a label is I can allow the music to grow naturally at its own pace and I will share it when it’s done in the oven! It’s going very well, though. I am extremely excited about it.

Wörni : Do you think again on an action like once with the first album "Pay if you can ..." ?
Karen : That is something I haven’t given much thought to yet. My list of people who want the next one is so much bigger than when I released PLAYGROUND ISOLATOR. I will have to see what I can afford to do. A label usually puts out the money to produce thousands of CDS. I am independent, so it will just have to make sense financially. I would like to make sure the people who paid for the last one receive priority, though. I appreciate their honesty and our trust.

Wörni : Is it true there will come out a book from you ?
Karen : Yes, I am also working on a book that will be a partner to the new record. I have written hundreds of blogs and thousands of songs and yet, I have never done a book. This is a new adventure for me! It will be set in the 1930s and will be focused on “Ian” who is a young musical savant.

Wörni : What about concerts ? Are you often on stage in den USA ? And when your European fans can see you on stage ?
Karen : I really miss playing live, but I have two other companies that are taking much of my time. One is (which is releasing in the fall) It is an app which allows musicians to jam along with their favorite songs right from the original master tracks. The other is which is a collaboration community we started. I hosted a project where over 100 people contributed their thoughts and musical ideas. All the money from the song will go to charity. The video for that single will be out very shortly. Idiot Savant would require a very large choir and orchestra for on stage. It’s enormous.

Wörni :Did you ever come th Europe, especially Germany ?
Karen : My family name is German, so it is my dream to visit Germany because there is a Stever river and a Stever Castle there! Germany is the number one place in the world that has stolen my heart! My German friends ROCK!

Wörni : What other artist did inspire you most ?
Karen : I was mostly inspired by male vocalists like Freddie Mercury from Queen and Ian Gillan from Deep Purple. Lisa Dalbello is the female vocalist who made me feel brave enough to be me and Beethoven still sits at the top of my list for favorite artist of all time.

Wörni : Are there any connections between your lyrics and your real life ?
Karen : I am able to write pure fiction, but all the lyrics from PLAYGROUND ISOLATOR are directly from my battle with a relationship during a very bad Depression. This next record will still be heavy and orchestral but I felt very happy and creative even though it’s a very dark story. I started to fall in love with the characters and writing again.

Wörni : One of my favourite songs is "Get Outa My Head" - How did you come to this song ?
Karen : ‘Get Outa My Head’ was written based on feeling like my body was attractive to someone but my brain wasn’t. I felt like my intellect was unimportant and my Depression was being ignored. I was sexually abused as a young girl and those thoughts came flooding back too. It was terribly painful to write and sing that one.

Wörni : Are there plans for merchandisins like T-Shirts or any other stuff ?
Karen : I have had thousands of requests and I just can’t seem to do it! Keep bugging me to do it, ok? hahaha

Wörni : What do you think about the D.I.Y.-lifestyle and especially the D.I.Y.-labels ?
Karen : It’s the only way. It’s the only choice. Labels have offered me contracts and they are rape. There is no money there and they control every aspect of what you do. They are not for me. Doing everything yourself is hard work for some, but I have such a great relationship with my community where everyone makes it a joy to share what I do. That is all I do…create and then share. I never try to sell anything. I don’t like to be sold to, so I don’t do that to others. People either like it or they don’t and that is totally cool with me.

Wörni : Some words to your fans here ?
Karen : Dear friends;
I will never call you fans…ever. ;) Your friendship is so treasured. I learn something new from you every day and your love is enormous. I will never thank you for your support, because I don’t think you are a bra. Ha! I don’t want anyone’s support because that is something artists say to fans and it has no meaning anymore. I only want to enjoy a relationship with you where we inspire each other and show the world that love is still the strongest force on Earth. Much love on ya! ~Karen J

Big thx to you Karen for the interview ... hope to see you sometimes ...

Cheers, Wörni

Donnerstag, 14. Juli 2011

Stever "Funeral Mute" Video

A great song and a great video from one of my favourite musicans... see how great Karen Stever is ...

Schifosi "Half Lit World" Video

                                   Enjoy this great Video from this great band !!!

Sonntag, 3. Juli 2011

Amebix "Knights of the Black Sun" Video


Neues AMEBIX Music-Video aus dem Frühjahr 2011... macht Lust auf mehr .....

Dienstag, 28. Juni 2011

DOOM Konzi 24.06.2011

So hier folgt der erste Konzertbericht ...
Es war der 24.06.2011 und ich hatte mir schon lange Zeit vorher vorgenommen das ich zum DOOM Konzert nach Frankfurt/Main fahre ...

Einmal diese LEGENDE live erleben ... ein Traum wird wahr ... !!!

Also schwing ich mich ins Auto und leg die 380km in strömendem Regen auf der Autobahn zurück ... Einer aus´m Osten geht ja sonst nur ungern in Westen ... Ich dagegen nicht ... kein Weg ist mir zu weit ...

Also dort angekommen ... Sternburg Export abgeben um sich einen Schlafplatz zu sichern ... mit Freunden geqautscht und dann gings am zum Konzi ins AU ...

Ohmann wie passen da nur die ganzen Leute rein, dachte ich mir nach 8 Minuten Fussweg... ???

Naja zum Schluss waren kaum alle drin ... wer das AU kennt, weiß das es ein sehr kleiner, aber chilliger  Laden ist ...

Gleich mal am DOOM Merch-Stand die "Police-Bastard" EP gekauft und weiter gings ...

Die erste Band SPIT FORTH ... mhh naja milde ausgedrückt = ab in die Tonne ... absolut keine gute Musik ...
Da haben mir THE PLANKS schon besser gefallen ... schwerer,düstere Crust ... richtig hart war das ...!!! Sie schau ich mir bestimmt gerne wieder an ...

Ja und danach kamen DOOM ... unglaublich wieviele Leute sich in den Raum zwängten ... aber es lohnte sich allemal !!! SAUGEILER CRUST DER ALTEN SCHULE !!! Sowas kann heute keine Band mehr bieten ... Der Pogo war so krass und aggressiv ... sowas erlebt man im Osten nicht mal bei Schleim-Keim Covern =) ... Naja blutiges Schienbein von geholt ... das war es aber wert ... Schade das ich den Tag später nicht nach Berlin konnte ...

Für jeden der DOOM noch nicht gesehen hat und die Möglichkeit hat sie sich an zuschauen sag ich nur "Nutzt eure Chance " !!!!

Doom Konzi 24.06.2011 - Foto by Wörni